Delighted to talk to Blair Spowart, Co-Founder of Seedling about their App and an easy and clever way to measure carbon footprint over your business’s scopes 1,2 and 3. Currently working with one hundred fashion companies, they really have taken a lot of the work, time and expense out of the process, costing only £70 per month for SMEs. Do take a look at their website by clicking on the button below.
Climate warning as world's rivers dry up at fastest rate for 30 years - The Guardian
We face life-threatening challenges on multiple fronts. This Guardian article brings home to me the interconnectedness of all planetary systems and the urgent need to transform all business and finance systems – and how we work and live.
Time for a luxury tax? Get on board - Oxfam
In a recent poll, a whopping 94% of you said the biggest polluters should pay the most for climate damage. It immediately made me think of one select group of polluters – luxury travel users and providers. This is something that collectively we can lobby to change and make a difference. Read more on this topic by clicking the button below.
Where the Mind is Without Fear - Ashish Kotharis
We loved the sentiment behind this poem and a call to return to nature’s real meaning. Words are important in shaping how we see the world.